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icon of kidney inside circle
icon of pancreas inside circle

Kidney – Pancreas

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icon of intestine inside circle

Liver – Intestine

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icon of lung inside circle

Heart – Lung

Lung CAS summary data updated

Information for lung transplant programs on the distribution of scores for all active registrations waiting for lung transplants in the U.S.

Offer Filters now available for lung allocation

Offer Filters adds data-driven, multi-criteria filters to organ offers at a program level so lung transplant programs can filter offers they will not accept and organ procurement organizations (OPOs) can find an accepting candidate more quickly.

VCA inside circle


Extra Vessels included in TIEDI® for VCA

TIEDI® permissions for Vessels Reporting have been added to all 10 VCA organs within Security Administration. These permissions allow designated users either full access or read only access, similar to existing permissions for non-VCA organs. Ensure permissions established before March 6, 2024.

Submit historical VCA collection forms by Feb. 9

New VCA forms available including: TRR and TRF forms that have been updated for the 10 VCA organs.  Programs are expected to respond with the new forms completed forms to [email protected] within 90 days of either the date the recipient was removed from the waiting list (TRR), or the date of the six-month or annual anniversary of transplant (TRF) .

Improving the system together


Mandatory training and UNet user audit opens Feb. 28, 2024

Beginning Feb. 28, 2024, site security administrators will have four weeks to complete the required audit of their UNet users. Prior to completing the audit, site security administrators must complete the updated training course UNet Security Administration (SYS 150)...

Martha Pavlakis, M.D.

“… policy is the living, breathing expression of group values.”

Martha Pavlakis, M.D. on new policies that put patients first

Policy changes

Extra Vessels included in TIEDI® for VCA

TIEDI® permissions for Vessels Reporting have been added to all 10 VCA organs within Security Administration. These permissions allow designated users either full access or read only access, similar to existing permissions for non-VCA organs. Ensure permissions established before March 6, 2024.

Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

A new permission in Security Administration was added today for transplant programs. Starting Feb. 28, Transplant Programs will be able to view and acknowledge receipt of these notifications from a new dashboard in DonorNet. The dashboard will be visible only to hospital users who have this new permission to acknowledge these notifications.

Policy monitoring

Learn: Collaborative improvement and educational resources



TMF 2024 presenter Andrea Tietjen, MBA, CPA, on transplant financing

"I have been attending TMF since 2000 and have learned all that I know from attendees and presenters. Transplantation and procurement are dynamic fields, and being in-the-know and learning from others is an invaluable resource. Our learnings have helped us to help our...

Effective practices

Learn about collaborative improvement projects

Learn about issues impacting patients, donors, donor families, and the national system. Issues and advocacy


Thank you for being part of a record-setting 2022

But before we take a look at the numbers, it’s important to remember the lives behind the data. No record or trend would be possible without the priceless gifts given by generous donors and their families.

Leadership news

“The dozens of topics presented at TMF shared one thing—our community’s dedication to doing everything we can to constantly improve the system and better serve the patients who rely on us.”

Read more

Valinda Jones on why she volunteers

Why I volunteer: Valinda Jones, M.S.N., RN, kidney recipient

Board member describes the vital role of volunteers with personal experience in donation and transplantation.

Maureen McBride, Ph.D., speaking at TMF 2023

Updates from TMF, HRSA’s Modernization Initiative and government outreach

Being at TMF reminded me that there could not be a better time to be the CEO of UNOS. I am so pleased to be leading our community into the future as we continue to save lives, even during these times of immense change. 

Patient safety

medical cross icon inside circle

Transplant hospital

heart icon inside circle


Mandatory training and UNet user audit opens Feb. 28, 2024

Beginning Feb. 28, 2024, site security administrators will have four weeks to complete the required audit of their UNet users. Prior to completing the audit, site security administrators must complete the updated training course UNet Security Administration (SYS 150)...

Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

A new permission in Security Administration was added today for transplant programs. Starting Feb. 28, Transplant Programs will be able to view and acknowledge receipt of these notifications from a new dashboard in DonorNet. The dashboard will be visible only to hospital users who have this new permission to acknowledge these notifications.


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Stories and tributes

Each person touched by organ donation transplant has a unique story. Threads of hope connect them. Find videos, stories and tributes

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